Captured its name from the big Anoling tree situated in the area. Serving as rendezvous among letter carriers, the name was used for years until it was adopted as the name of the barrio in 1929. Anoling became an independent barrio in 1929. Leoncio Mampusti and Lupo Pudico were among of the leaders before its first Barangay Captain in 1968. Pedro Mampusti became its Barangay Captain in 1968 up to 1987. He was followed by Rogelio Mangaring up to 1989. Dionisio Sarmiento became Chairman in 1989 to 1993. Raymundo Pudico was elected as Punong Barangay in 1993. He remained as the head of the barangay until 2002 when he lost the July 15, 2002 Barangay Elections to Rommel Gebaña. In the succeeding barangay elections on 2007, Mr. Pudico regained his post and got even he defeated Mr. Gebaña in the said election.
He is currently the incumbent Punong Barangay.
Anoling Celebrates its fiesta every 30th day of May.
The barangay being a flood-prone area suffered great damages during the heavy flash floods brought by the three typhoons in 1993. Ricefields and infrastructures were heavily damaged.
In the subsequent years that followed, the barangay recovered from these loses and many development projects were implemented. Great improvements were made to the center of the barangay administration as highlighted by the construction of a two-storey building.
In later years, the barangay was fortunate enough to have its own high shool facility through an extension class. The facility would later produce several graduated and continue to serve the barangay’s students in the secondary level.